DVRPC has published over one thousand reports from the 1970s to present. Product abstracts and/or PDF downloads are available.
August 4, 2020
SEPTA Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Policy ResearchIn recent years, transit agencies have come to view agency support for Transit-oriented development (TOD) as a promising strategy to address declining ridership levels and the prospect of decreasing public funding. This report identifies strategies that SEPTA can employ to enhance its support for TOD in Greater Philadelphia. This document summarizes the information DVRPC has gathered through literature……
July 31, 2020
DISPATCHES FROM ALTERNATE FUTURES: EXPLORATORY SCENARIOS FOR GREATER PHILADELPHIAThis exploratory scenario planning exercise was conducted with the Futures Working Group (FWG), and is a key step in developing the Connections 2050 Long-Range Plan for Greater Philadelphia. This effort assesses uncertainty within a changing environment, and aims to understand what conditions or events may emerge, along with their likely consequences. It identifies an expansive range of future scenarios……
July 27, 2020
Connections 2045 AmendmentThis document amends the Connections 2045 Plan for Greater Philadelphia to reflect shifts in federal and state funding to the Pennsylvania portion of the DVRPC region and incorporate federal Transportation Performance Management (TPM} requirements. The amended financial plan addresses the new revenue projections, updates the cost, timing, and scope of major regional projects in the Long-Range Plan.……
June 30, 2020
DVRPC NewsroomThis is a web application that allows the Office of Communications & Engagement to post timely information/announcements in a consolidated location online. Posts can be sorted by various topics, including: business opportunities, updates to data layers, events, funding opportunities, press releases, new reports, and new web maps, among other types of announcements.
June 30, 2020
DVRPC FY2021 TIP for PAThe Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) web seach tool contains a listing of all transit, highway, bridge, bicycle, pedestrian, and multimodal projects in DVRPC’s Pennsylvania counties that will seek federal funding in fiscal years 2021 to 2024.
June 30, 2020
Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress and Connectivity AnalysisLevel of Traffic Stress (LTS) is a road classification scheme based on the comfort of bicyclists using that road. DVRPC’s LTS assignment is based on the number of lanes, effective vehicle speed, and presence/type of bicycle facility. The Connectivity Analysis was conducted to determine which segments provide the greatest number of connections throughout the region, from every census block to every……
June 30, 2020
Congestion Management Process (CMP)View and identify congested sub-corridors within the DVRPC region and review very appropriate congestion mitigation strategies. A link is provided for more detailed information on each sub-corridor.
June 18, 2020
Strategies for Greater Philadelphia's Retail Districts During COVID-19 Five P's that aren't Pandemic: Pursue, Pivot, Pitch, Promote, and Plan.This report consolidates the strategies contained within DVRPC’s social media campaign of the same
name, which launched on April 3, 2020, and was aimed at helping small businesses and the region’s
retail districts navigate the economic crisis associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
May 14, 2020
A Resilient Greater PhiladelphiaPlanning for climate change resiliency is an increasingly pressing requirement for communities throughout the world and the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) region. In order to help local officials, non-profits, and communities with this process, numerous planning tools have been developed by a wide range of public and private agencies. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is……