DVRPC has published over one thousand reports from the 1970s to present. Product abstracts and/or PDF downloads are available.
December 1, 2019
Connections 2045 Land Use VisionThe Greenspace Network is based on the twin principles of protecting core natural resource areas and linking them with greenways to create a connected system of naturally vegetated open space spanning urban, suburban, and rural areas. The vision of the Greenspace Network is to permanently protect currently unprotected acres in the system through acquisitions, easements, and land use regulations.
November 1, 2019
Growing Greater Philadelphia: Comprehensive Economic Development StrategyThis report was created to provide the required update to Greater Philadelphia’s regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). The report includes background demographic, economic, and land use data; identifies regional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; discusses economic resiliency; identifies regional economic development goals, objectives, and strategies; and identifies……
November 1, 2019
Centennial District Trolley Service Concept EvaluationSEPTA is preparing to replace its trolley fleet with accessible light rail vehicles. This project investigates a proposal to expand trolley service to the Centennial District, in West Fairmount Park. Using ridership forecasts from DVRPC’s regional travel model, we find minimal potential for new weekday riders on a Centennial District trolley, but considerable capital expense compared to bus service.……
October 18, 2019
DVRPC's Limited English Proficiency PlanThe Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) is committed to upholding the principles and intentions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and related nondiscrimination mandates in all of the Commission’s work, including publications, products, communications, public input, and decision-making processes. Language barriers may prohibit people who are Limited in English Proficiency (also known as……
October 18, 2019
DVRPC's Limited English Proficiency PlanLa Comisión Regional de Planificación del Valle de Delaware (DVRPC, por sus siglas en inglés) ha asumido el compromiso de cumplir con los principios y las intenciones de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964 y los mandatos sobre no discriminación relacionados en todos los trabajos de la Comisión, incluyendo las publicaciones, los productos, las comunicaciones, las opiniones del público y los procesos……
October 18, 2019
有限英语能力计划The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) is committed to upholding the principles and intentions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and related nondiscrimination mandates in all of the Commission’s work, including publications, products, communications, public input, and decision-making processes. Language barriers may prohibit people who are Limited in English Proficiency (also known as……
October 17, 2019
2017 Aircraft Counting Operations ProgramThis technical report presents aircraft operations estimates for five non-towered airports in the Delaware Valley aviation planning area. Acoustic counts were taken at each airport, starting in February 2017 and ending in December 2017; each sample covered seven continuous days. The samples were extrapolated over the entire year, and the results are presented in this report. Results are used by multiple……
September 23, 2019
Marcus Hook Grade Crossing StudyThis study examines three highway-railroad grade crossings in Marcus Hook Borough, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. The purpose is to document existing conditions at the grade crossings and provide recommendations on possible grade crossing improvements. This report is divided into four chapters: an introduction; existing conditions and background; improvement recommendations; and next steps.
September 12, 2019
Transportation Conformity Determination Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan, FY 2019 Pennsylvania TIP, and DRAFT FY 2020 New Jersey TIPTransportation Conformity, Air Quality, National Ambient Air Quality Standards, Ozone, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Nitrogen Oxides Nonattainment Area, Multijurisdictional Nonattainment Area, Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan, Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), State Implementation Plan (SIP)
September 10, 2019
Connections 2045 Municipal Implementation Toolbox MailerPromotional booklet for DVRPC's online Municipal Implementation Toolbox. DVRPC has designed the online resource to assist municipal efforts to protect, preserve and grow communities in the region, all of which help to implement the goals of Connections 2045, the region’s Long-Range Plan. Implementation of the plan—and much of our collective future—is based on how the region’s 352 municipalities use……