DVRPC has published over one thousand reports from the 1970s to present. Product abstracts and/or PDF downloads are available.
August 19, 2019
City of Trenton Truck NetworkDVRPC seeks to define a process and establish evaluation criteria to begin developing an appropriate truck network in the City of Trenton. The resulting product(s) should help lead to establishing guidelines for supporting various large, heavy vehicle truck traffic in the City. In addition, resulting products are intended to provide guidance for trucks and fleet operations. These efforts will hopefully……
August 19, 2019
US 202 Section 100 Operations AnalysisThis study supports one main transportation objective: to improve the operational efficiency of US 202 Section 100 through West Goshen and Westtown Townships. The facility functions as both an interstate route and local arterial in these municipalities. Therefore, this study identifies highway design alternatives that would benefit local residents and commuters by improving safety and maximizing the……
August 7, 2019
Pottstown Region Traffic AnalysisThis traffic analysis focuses on the traffic impacts of the new developments planned for the Pottstown area. The analysis aims to identify roadway improvements that support safety and future traffic growth with a focus on 18 study locations selected by the PMRPC. The study estimates short-term (future year 2025) increases in traffic volumes and identifies multimodal improvements.
August 1, 2019
TIP-Plan Project Benefit Evaluation CriteriaThe TIP-LRP Project Benefit Evaluation Criteria provide a data-informed support tool to guide transportation project investment decisions. The criteria analyze how each proposed project aligns with the vision and goals of the Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan for Greater Philadelphia and evaluates how each project contributes to implementing the region’s vision in the shorter-term……
July 30, 2019
Año fiscal 2020 Programa de Trabajo de Planificación UnificadaEste documento contiene todos los proyectos y la financiación correspondiente para el año fiscal 2019 a medida que pasaba por la Junta de la DVRPC en enero de 2018.
July 23, 2019
East Whiteland Train Station Feasibility StudyThis report provides a comprehensive inventory and assessment of the existing conditions to identify feasible and viable locations for a new Regional Rail station in East Whiteland Township, Chester County, PA. A new train station is a cornerstone of the township’s revitalization efforts for Route 30 in the Village of Frazer, and supports Chester County’s commitment to expanding public transit options.……
July 9, 2019
Woolwich Environmental Resource InventoryThis publication documents the natural and community resources of Woolwich Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey. The natural resource information includes descriptions, tables, and maps of: land use; soils; drinking water, aquifers, and wells; surface waters, including watersheds, streams, lakes, wetlands, and floodplains; impacts on water resources and surface water quality; impervious coverage;……
July 9, 2019
Route 15 Trolley Modernization: Operations Analysis for Eastern Girard AvenueSEPTA is preparing to replace its trolley fleet with accessible light rail vehicles. This project tests the travel time effects of new trolleys on Route 15 using a microsimulation model. We estimate that replacing trolleys with curbside-lane-running buses would yield either a travel time penalty, or a very slight benefit for transit riders, depending on the interventions made. We find that modern trolleys……